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FIRE-ARMS for Linux

Main Persons References Software FIRE-ARMS for Win32 FIRE-ARMS for Linux

The development of open free FORTRAN code of FIRE-ARMS for Linux was initiated by Prof. R.Imasu (Center for Climate System Research, The University of Tokyo, Japan. E-mail: Current support is provided by Prof. R.Imasu, and some development was performed in colaboration with Dr. Y.Kasai (Communications Research Laboratory, Japan).

FIRE-ARMS for Linux is a free open FORTRAN source file and all necessary attendant data files. Latest version is called as fire_arms_2k because it is adapted for HITRAN2k database. Compilation of executable program can be performed by the user with the free FORTRAN compiler g77.

Procedures, functions and database for CO2 line mixing account are provided by Dr. Jean-Michel Hartmann (LPPM, CNRS, Universite Paris-Sud, France. E-mail:

The package of FIRE-ARMS contains two archives: FORTRAN code with all data files excluding database of line-mixing parameters and database of line mixing parameters. The fire_arms_2k package is adapted for HITRAN2000 database and for simulation of atmospheric radiances observed at large angles to the vertical line.

Plans for future:
Package will be rewritten using Fortran-90 and it will contain the following additional options:
- option for HITRAN-2004 (with 160 char records);
- option for look-up table creation;
- option for look-up table utilization for faster calculations.

Download fire_arms_2k itself (1.7 Mb)

Download line mixing database ( 3631 kb)

FIRE-ARMS-SVD is light version of FIRE-ARMS. It is simpler in use than FIRE-ARMS. It works jointly with Octave and Gnuplot. FIRE-ARMS-SVD can retrieve surface temperature, temperature and water vapor altitude profiles. It uses singular value decomposition of statistical covariance matrix and finds the solution for atmospheric state as expansion on eigenvectors derived from statistical covariance matrix.

Download FIRE-ARMS-SVD (738.1 kb)
Main Persons References Software FIRE-ARMS for Win32 FIRE-ARMS for Linux