Main | Persons | References | Software | FIRE-ARMS for Win32 | FIRE-ARMS for Linux |
1. Beresnev S.A., Gryazin V.I., Gribanov K.G. Climatology of a vertical wind in the middle atmosphere// Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol. 21, 2008, No.06, p.448-454
2. Gribanov K.G., Zakharov V.I., Vasin V.V. Iterative regularization for CO2 retrival from satellite measurements. Algorithmic Analysis of Unstable Problems - procs. of the Int. Conf. dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.K. Ivanov, Ekaterinburg, Sep. 1-6, 2008, pp. 119-120.
3. Zakharov V.I., Gribanov K.G. About stability of present thermal regime of Earth's surface. Algorithmic Analysis of Unstable Problems - procs. of the Int. Conf. dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.K. Ivanov, Ekaterinburg, Sep. 1-6, 2008, pp. 127-128.
4. Zakharov V.I., Blagodareva M.S., Gribanov K.G. The method of remote sensing of 13CO2/12CO2 ratio in the atmosphere using high resolution transmittance IR spectra. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol.21, 2008, No. 5, p 342-344.
5. Zakharov V.I., Imasu R., Gribanov K.G., Zakharov S.V. Free energy balance at the upper boundary of the atmosphere. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol. 21, 2008, No.03, p.211-218.
6. Gribanov K.G., Imasu R., Toptygin A.Yu., Bleuten V., Naumov A.V., Zakharov V.I. Method and results of retrieval of the methane content in the atmosphere of Western Siberia from AIRS data. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol. 20, 2007, No.10, p.805-809.
7. Toptygin A.Yu., Gribanov K.G., Zakharov V.I., Kasai Y., Kagawa A., Murayama Y., Imasu R., Schmidt G., Hoffmann G., Jouzel J. Determination of vertical HDO/H2O profile from high-resolution atmospheric transmission spectra. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol. 20, 2007, No.03, p.224-228.
8. Gribanov K.G., Zakharov V.I., Alsynbaev K.S., Sulyaev Ya.S. Method for determination of the casing-head gas outcome in flares using data of satellite sounding in IR channels by MODIS-type sensors. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol.20, 2007, No. 1, pp. 60-64.
9. Toptygin A.Yu., Gribanov K.G., Imasu R., Schmidt G., Zakharov V.I., Latitudinal variations of the vertical profiles and columnar HDO/H2O ratio in the atmosphere over the ocean retrieved from IMG/ADEOS data. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol.19, 2006, No.10, p.787-791.
10. Gribanov K.G., A.Yu. Toptygin and V.I. Zakharov, Application of multilayer perceptron to high-resolution infrared measurement retrieval, SPIE Proc., 2006, vol. 6580, 65800R (Dec. 12, 2006).
11. Vasin V.V., K.G. Gribanov, V.I. Zakharov, E.N. Akimova, G.Ya. Perestoronina, and L.Yu. Timerhanova, Regular methods of solution of ill-posed problems for remote sensing of Earth atmosphere using high-resolution spectrometry, SPIE Proc., 2006, vol. 6580, 65800T (Dec. 12, 2006).
12. Toptygin A. Yu., K. G. Gribanov, V. I. Zakharov, Y. Kasai, A. Kagawa, Y. Murayama, R. Imasu, G. A. Schmidt, G. Hoffmann, and J. Jouzel, Method and results of retrieval of HDO/H2O in atmosphere from IMG/ADEOS and FTIR data, SPIE Proc., 2006, vol. 6580, 65800X (Dec. 12, 2006)
13. Gribanov K.G., R. Imasu, G.A. Schmidt, A.Yu. Toptygin, and V.I. Zakharov. Neural network retrieval of deuterium to hydrogen ratio in atmosphere from IMG/ADEOS spectra. SPIE Proc., 2005, vol.5655, pp.515-521.
14. Toptygin, A.Yu., K.G.Gribanov, R.Imasu, W.Bleuten, and V.I.Zakharov. Seasonal methane content in atmosphere of the permafrost boundary zone in Western Siberia determined from IMG/ADEOS and AIRS/AQUA data. SPIE Proc., 2005, vol.5655, pp.508-514.
15. Zakharov, V.I., R.Imasu, K.G.Gribanov. Regarding free energy net of the Earth and its monitoring from space concept. SPIE Proc., 2005, vol.5655, pp.540-547.
16. Zakharov V.I., Imasu R., Gribanov K.G., Hoffmann G., and Jouzel J. Latitudinal distribution of the deuterium to hydrogen ratio in the atmospheric water vapor retrieved from IMG//ADEOS data. // Geophysical Res. Let. - 2004.- Vol. 31, N 12, L12104, doi: 10.1029/2004GL019433,2004
17. Gribanov K.G., Zakharov V.I. Neural network solution for temperature profile retrieval from infrared spectra with high spectral resolution. ASL, 2004, vol.5(1-4), pp.1-11.
18. Zakharov V.I., Imasu R., Gribanov K.G. D/H latitudinal distribution in the atmosphere retrieved from IMG spectra. SPIE, vol. 4897, pp.65-71, 2003.
19. Beresnev S.A., Kochneva L.B., Suetin P.E., Zakharov V.I., Gribanov K.G. Photophoresis of atmospheric aerosols in the Earth's thermal radiation field. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol.16, 2003, No.05-06, pp.431-438.
20. Gribanov K.G., Zakharov V.I., Tashkun S.A., Tyuterev Vl.G. A New Software Tool for Radiative Transfer Calculations and its application to IMG/ADEOS data. JQSRT, 2001, vol.68, No.4, pp.435-451.
21. Gribanov K.G., Breon F.M., Zakharov V.I. The effect of infrared radiation reflected from the Earth's surface observed in the atmospheric emission spectra in remote sensing of the Earth from space. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol. 13, 2000, No.12, p.1035-1038.
22. Gribanov K.G., Zakharov V.I., Kobayashi H., Shimota A. Determination of HDO/H2O ratio in the atmosphere from the data of the ground-based sensor TIIS. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol. 13, 2000, No.10, p.842-845.
23. Zakharov V.I., R. Imasu, K.G. Gribanov. HDO and 13CO2 Retrieval from IMG Spectrum Data // Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Atmospheric Science from Space Using High Resolution Fourier Transform Spectrometry, May 22-24, 2000, Kyoto, Japan.
24. Gribanov K.G., Zakharov V.I. Possibility to monitor the HDO/H2O content ratio in the atmosphere from space observations of the outgoing thermal radiation. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol. 12, 1999, No 09, p.825-826.
25. Gribanov K.G., Zakharov V.I., Tashkun S.A. FIRE-ARMS software package and its application to passive IR sensing of the atmosphere. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, vol.12, 1999, No 04, p.358-361.
26. Zakharov V.I. and K.Gribanov. Techniques development for atmospheric parameters retrieval using IMG/ADEOS spectra: IMG/ADEOS PI report, 1999. - EORC, NASDA, Japan.
27. Gribanov K.G., S.A.Tashkun, V.I.Zakharov, Vl.G.Tyuterev "An advanced user-friendly system for atmospheric calculations including constituents profile retrievals", ALPS 99 Symposium, Meribel, France, 18-22 January 1999.
28. Gribanov K.G., V.I.Zakharov, S.A.Tashkun, and Vl.G.Tyuterev, A new generation user-friendly software for infrared atmospheric remote sensing from space. 8th International Workshop on Atmospheric Science from Space Using High Resolution Fourier Transform Spectrometry at Meteo France in Toulouse: Proceedings, Toulouse, 1998.
29. Tashkun S.A., V.F.Golovko, A.A.Chursin, T.Aoki, M.Fukabori, V.I.Zakharov and K.G.Gribanov. Retrieval Algorithm for Atmospheric Constituents Using High-Resolution Spectra of Satellite Interferometer Sounding. SPIE Proceedings, 1998, vol.3583, pp. 2-7.
30. Zakharov V.I., K.G.Gribanov, M.V.Falko, V.F.Golovko, A.A.Chursin, and Vl.G.Tyuterev. Molecular Atmospheric Transmittance Function in the Range of 2-400 µm and Earth Radiation Balance. JQSRT, 1997, vol.57, No.1, pp. 1-10.
Main | Persons | References | Software | FIRE-ARMS for Win32 | FIRE-ARMS for Linux |