
Main Persons References Software Software for Win32 Software for Linux RFBR
Vyacheslav Zakharov's photo

Vyacheslav Zakharov, Dr., head of laboratory


Research interests:

        Global Warming. Atmospheric spectroscopy and radiative transfer. Inverse problems. Remote Sensing.

        Methodology development for meteorological parameters and greenhouse gases monitoring in the Earth atmosphere, retrieval of the greenhouse gases isotopomers ratios using high resolution spectrometry from Space.

        Investigation of primary information and free energy flows on the Earth for their application to satellite monitoring of the Global Change.


Konstantin Gribanov's photo

Konstantin Gribanov, Dr., leading researcher


Research interests:

        Numerical modeling of radiative transfer, inverse solutions for temperature and constituents profiles, retrieval of isotopic ratios in gas constituents. Neural networks in remote sensing. Sotware development for remote sensing applications. Water isotopologues in climate modeling, measurements of isotopic composition in the atmospheric water vapor and in precipitations.

Nikita Rokotyan's photo

Nikita Rokotyan, Dr., researcher


Research interests:

        Ground based remote sensing of atmospheric composition, Fourier transform spectrometry, retrieval of HDO vertical profiles, temperature independent total column amount retrieval of greenhouse gases and their isotopologues.

Ilya Zadvornykh's photo

Ilya Zadvornykh, postgraduate student, junior researcher


Research interests:

        Numerical modeling of radiative transfer with multiple scattering of light, inverse solutions for temperature and constituents profiles.

Nina Denisova's photo

Nina Denisova, postgraduate student, junior researcher


Research interests:

        General atmospheric circulation modeling including water isotopologues fractionation.

Main Persons References Software Software for Windows Software for Linux RFBR